A Catholic Renewal

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"Se, jag gör allting nytt..." (Upp 21:5)

lördag, augusti 23, 2008
An image of the Church
As I woke up this morning, I saw an (inner) image. It was a bird, and it was an image of the Church.

First, I saw only the body and the wings - each wing representing two rather opposite directions - one very conservative and one very liberal wing.

And the body represents those in between - some closer to one direction, and some to the other, and some in the middle.

Some were also in the tip of the bill and in the claws - the radical ones - staying in touch with the ground when necessary (when not flying), as well as pointing in new directions.

The head represents Christ.

The "problem" with this bird - and that's why I saw only the body and its wings at first, not the head or feet - is that the wings are going in opposite ways, making the bird unable to fly.

This is because they aren't syncronized with the will of the head.

The bird can't even walk forward on its feet since it can't keep the balance.

Each wing is mainly focused on itself, its own feathers, and is even hostile against the other wing, trying to get rid of it - as if the bird would be able to fly with only one wing...

The solution: to "put on the mind of Christ" - to listen and adjust to God's will.

(I wish to add to the previously written thoughts that you'll find through the link, that "authority" and "mindsets" can be liberal as much as conservative - what is needed is deep discernment of the will of God - and it's not found in the will of this world, or in every human wish, not even in everything that comes from Church pulpits.)


Feel free to comment this and to spread it to all kinds of Christians - images like this are given to be discerned by the whole Church body.

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postat av Charlotte Thérèse @ 09:08  
2 Kommentar/-er:
  • 23 augusti, 2008 19:05 sa Anonymous Anonym

    Charlotte-Therese, very balanced image and so true! It is easy to get caught up in our own viewpoints instead of the mind of Christ. Good reminder to let go and Be in God.

  • 23 augusti, 2008 21:40 sa Blogger Charlotte Thérèse

    Br. Yossi,

    Thanks for your comment...!

    Yes, it may be a reminder for us...

    Anyone else who has any thoughts?

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