A Catholic Renewal

~ En radikal blogg ~

"Se, jag gör allting nytt..." (Upp 21:5)

lördag, januari 12, 2008
Info to readers who don't know Swedish
Dear All,

I will continue to publish postings in English here every now and then, both written by myself and by guest writers, and thus hope that you'd like to participate in the discussions about the postings!

I've now tried to make it easier for you to find the way through the jungle of Swedish words, so you'll be able to post comments without problems.... :-)

If you click on the "svar / comments" link at the end of the postings, you'll find a link below on the page that shows up, saying "Skicka en kommentar", that link will take you to the posting page. Once there - you'll find a square on top where you may write a comment.

Please do! I enjoy reactions to the postings.... No matter whether you agree or disagree...

If you have a google account - you may then keep the already marked alternative below that message square and write your google name and password. If you don't have a google account, then mark the alternative below saying: "Namn/URL" - there you may write your name and eventual website.

Then press the orange button saying "Publicera din kommentar". You should now see your comment among the posted comments!

Here are some recent postings (more or less) in English that you are invited to add your comments to:

About healing - as an answer to prayer

Do animals have a soul?

About racism - seen from within

Childbirth without any pain - interesting solution... :-)

Monk - a beautiful poem

Resurrection - a poem

What do you see in the painting?

Thérèse of Lisieux being called to be a priest

Ask John Wijngaards about Women priests

Julian of Norwich


An Orthodox view on Theosis

Through THIS LINK you'll find more postings in English - it'll be kept updated, so add it to your bookmarks and have a look every now and then!

There are more postings which are partly in English in the archives of each month (click on a month and browse through the postings until you see them) - when you find quotes from articles in English you may read the whole article through a link, often at the end of the posting, saying: "Läs hela artikeln här".

Hope this helps!

Etiketter: , ,

postat av Charlotte Thérèse @ 13:03  
2 Kommentar/-er:
  • 14 januari, 2008 10:02 sa Blogger Z

    Hey, Charlotte

    Maybe you can list your postings in English, somewhere in the sidebar/margin

  • 14 januari, 2008 10:49 sa Blogger Charlotte Thérèse


    Good idea!

    As I have quite a few articles and links to articles in English (also in "Swedish" postings) - I'm not able to list all of it...

    It can be found in the monthly Archives by browsing through the postings.

    One day they may also be found among a new category of "labels" - when I find a way to introduce that in my blog template...

    But I'll list at least the most important English postings in the margin!

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Ekumenisk dialog

    "Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit." (okänd källa)

    "Where there is no love, put love and gather love."  Johannes av Korset

    "The soul of one who loves God, always swims in joy, always keeps holiday, and is always in the mood for singing." Johannes av Korset

    "To write is to pray."  Thomas Merton

    "In vino veritas!" (Det kan tolkas bokstavligen så - på ett djupt sätt - i eukaristin.)

    "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. I will not stand idly by when I see an unjust war taking place." Martin Luther King, Jr.

Smått och gott

Copyright: Charlotte Thérèse, 2007

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