Alla pedofiler är inte män - även om kvinnliga sådana är mycket ovanliga - och nunnor extremt ovanliga.
Fick länk till följande tragiska historia.
"It had been 20 years since Kobs had last visited the church, and that attempt hadn’t gone well. He felt guilty then, accused somehow, as though even the holy statues inside St. Patrick’s could see inside his soul. This time, the troubled 56-year-old settled cautiously into a back pew, trying to look inconspicuous and studying every detail. He was struck by how clean the church looked and how the parishioners smiled as they strummed mandolins. Perhaps he could now be accepted. Perhaps he could now accept himself.
“I really wanted to reclaim St. Patrick’s church as my church,” Kobs says, struggling to explain how the incidents of more than 40 years ago still live with him. “I had so many good things there – first Communion, first confession, confirmation. It’s still very sacred for me. I had to go there and take control of it. I’ve had so many nightmares of nuns attacking me.”
His abuser, Sister Giannini, had finally been criminally charged and would be found guilty in February. Kobs and the other victim who pressed charges, James Koszewski, had talked freely to reporters, hoping for understanding. But in a media culture that often seems fascinated by the female rapist, the sad-looking, 79-year-old nun, with her blue turtlenecks and dour stare, attracted coverage across the country. Giannini’s is one of the very few sexual abuse cases involving a nun that’s been prosecuted in the U.S."
Läs hela artikeln här.Etiketter: katolska kyrkan, nunnor, pedofiler |
Såntdär visar ju att alltför många präster och nunnor helt enkelt inte tror på sin förkunnelse. Det är ett gigantiskt problem, som försätter hela kyrkan i djup kris. Vatikanen måste ta tag i det här. Det räcker inte med bara böner. Stackars Benke Sexton har en styv uppgift.