Så har ett gäng anglikanska biskopar inlett hemliga nödsamtal med Vatikanen.
Vad det gäller? Vart de ska ta vägen om kvinnor snart får biskopsvigas och homosexuella får del av fler mänskliga rättigheter. Typ.
I en skräckvision ser jag dem masskonvertera och bidra till att långsamt förstena katolska kyrkan.
En vän som läst artikeln skrev i ett mail:
"A thought related to all of this (from one of my professors):
"If you can't see your way to ordaining women, PLEASE do not baptize them. ALL Christians are given the right/duty to answer God's vocational call."
Rev. Leonel Mitchell Credited with the current 1979 liturgy of baptism, one which changed the theology of the Episcopal Church."
Bra sagt.
"Senior Church of England bishops have held secret talks with Vatican officials to discuss the crisis in the Anglican communion over gays and women bishops.
Dr Rowan Williams, the Archbishop of Canterbury, was not told of the talks and the disclosure will be a fresh blow to his efforts to prevent a major split in the Church of England.
In highly confidential discussions, a group of conservative bishops expressed their dismay at the liberal direction of the Church of England and their fear for its future.
They met members of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, the most powerful of the Vatican's departments, the successor to the medieval Inquisition, which enforces doctrine and was headed by Pope Benedict XVI before his election."
Läs hela artikeln här.Etiketter: anglikanska kyrkan, homosexualitet, kvinnliga biskopar, Vatikanen |
Det enda som ni svenska katoliker verkar vara överens om, är att ni ska ha ett effektivt gränsskydd med mycket taggtråd. Jag har skrivit om begreppet "katolicitet".