A Catholic Renewal

~ En radikal blogg ~

"Se, jag gör allting nytt..." (Upp 21:5)

fredag, april 04, 2008
Ibland måste reglerna skrivas om
Fick en länk till ett intressant inlägg om bl.a. katolska kyrkan och kvinnliga präster i en blogg. Uppenbarligen är författaren väl insatt i historiska fakta om kvinnor i den tidiga Kyrkan...

Det skulle vara intressant att se hur ni (särskilt från katolskt håll) bemöter kritiken - som jag själv ser som berättigad i fråga om synen på kvinnor och ämbete - och även i fråga om auktoritet.

Jag vill inte diskutera de vigda kvinnorna här - utan låt oss fokusera samtalet på själva sakfrågan: kvinnliga präster i allmänhet.

Själv är jag övertygad om att det skulle leda till en blomstrande Kyrka om det välkomnades officiellt.

Det är när Kyrkoträdet inte tillåts växa, blomma och bära frukt på ett naturligt sätt som det urartar - både åt ultrakonservativt och ultraliberalt håll. Det föder kraftiga motreaktioner som skulle undvikas om Kyrkan var mer balanserad och sund. Mer radikal.... ;-)


"Obviously, I'm making a number of points here. The one I want to stress, though, is that Christianity, by stressing the importance of faith, or belief, soon established specific matters of faith and specific items of belief as fundamental to the new religion. And before long, they were set in stone, no longer to be denied or modified.

One of those beliefs was the dogma still held today by the Roman Church that only males are qualified to be priests and bishops. The qualification is a matter of genitalia. The rationale goes like this: Jesus was a male and had a penis. All of his disciples were male and had penises. Priests and bishops for 2,000 years have been males with penises. Ergo, God hath ordained that only males (with their penises) can attach to the holier than thou class of clergy within the domain of the Roman organization.

[Please note that this rationale ignores the evidence that in many places during the first years of the church's existence, women did play important and significant roles within the church. Paul calls women his "co-workers," and one of them he refers to as a deaconness, and another an apostle. In the very early years, Christians met in homes owned by women which likely signifies they held some position within the group. The Gospel of Mary Magdalene describes a Christian community in which Mary Magdalene is regarded as a disciple, a leader and a teacher. By way of a negative reference, Tertullian, an early church father in Africa, became very upset at a woman he called "that viper," because she baptized. He said "These heretical women, how audacious they are. I mean they, they teach, they baptize, they preach, they do all kinds of things they shouldn't do. It's horrible, in short." By the 2nd century, however, at least in more orthodox circles, women were ostracized from leadership positions, probably because they were much too threatening to good order, e.g., male domination and power.]


Many millions of the Catholic faithful grant to their clerical leaders, authority. These faithful will listen to the hierarchy and will believe the hierarchy as if their word was the word of god itself, and they will obey the hierarchy. The faithful thus transmit authority to the bishops and by so doing validate their power.

However, this arrangement is becoming more and more unsatisfactory as millions of other Catholics have withdrawn the authority they had given their clerics and that effectively relieves the clerics of their power.


Meet the women of the Roman Catholic Church who have taken back the authority and thus the power they once gave to the bishops to determine who is eligible to attain the priesthood. Meet the women who, realizing the bishops were more about abuse of power than the sharing of the gospel, retracted their grant of authority to the hierarchy which shifted the power in new and different direction.

Before we go further, we must note the consequences of such actions. The bishops, perhaps not realizing they no longer have authority or power, may very well issue threats of excommunication and eternal damnation in an attempt to bring these women back in line. They may very well damn all those who assist these women or receive the sacraments from their hands.In fact, the bishops have already done so. But it's too late. Their authority has no teeth.


Common sense seems to dictate that periodically we need to revisit our past in light of our present and our future, and realizing that the rules were written by people just like us, we take it upon ourselves to rewrite the rules!"

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postat av Charlotte Thérèse @ 10:08  
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    "Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit." (okänd källa)

    "Where there is no love, put love and gather love."  Johannes av Korset

    "The soul of one who loves God, always swims in joy, always keeps holiday, and is always in the mood for singing." Johannes av Korset

    "To write is to pray."  Thomas Merton

    "In vino veritas!" (Det kan tolkas bokstavligen så - på ett djupt sätt - i eukaristin.)

    "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. I will not stand idly by when I see an unjust war taking place." Martin Luther King, Jr.

Smått och gott

Copyright: Charlotte Thérèse, 2007

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