A Catholic Renewal

~ En radikal blogg ~

"Se, jag gör allting nytt..." (Upp 21:5)

fredag, maj 11, 2007
Oekumeniskt värre
Jag vet att grodor hoppar även ur t.ex. politikermunnar ibland - men något får mig att undra om vatikanrepresentanter inte placerar sig i toppklassen i den ligan....?

Läs bara detta nedan... Behöver det ens kommenteras? Andra kyrkor (som ses närmast som "konkurrenter" som "snor" katoliker), kallas för sekter - rakt av - utan urskillning. Säkert finns det också en och annan sekt i Latinamerika - men det är ju de vanliga frikyrkorna som drar mest folk från de katolska kyrkorna. Jag tycker att de allvarligt borde fundera över varför...

Det lär inte räcka med lite påvlig charm för att hålla alla katoliker kvar... Så lättduperade är vi inte överlag. Det behövs lite djupare insikter och förändringar än så...

Men det är ett bra råd till de katolska prästerna att (inte bara bemöta folk vänligt utan) bli vänner med människorna i församlingarna - bara då kan hierarkiseringen brytas - så att himmelrikets kan bli än mer synligt också i den jordiska kyrkan....

Citatet om behovet av förnyelse håller jag med om - förstås.


SÃO PAULO, Brazil, MAY 10, 2007

The phenomenon of people leaving Catholicism poses "serious questions to the Church," says Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone.

Cardinal Bertone, in Brazil with Benedict XVI, spoke to Vatican Radio today about the growth of sects in Latin America and people leaving the Church to join Protestant communities."

Unfortunately, sects represent a phenomenon that not only afflicts the Latin American continent but North America and Europe as well," he said.

"The Church is called -- as the Lord himself said and as we hear repeated in the Gospel -- to a continual process of conversion to her Lord," the Vatican secretary of state explained. "It is a process of purification and renewal."

"The problem -- and I always say this to bishops and priests -- is a problem of bishops and priests being able to welcome and listen to people." Cardinal Bertone pointed to the example of current and previous pastors of the Church.

He encouraged "being close to people, being welcoming -- as the great saints who were bishops have taught us, and as Pope John Paul II spoke about in his autobiography when he said: 'I have tried and I try to be welcoming, to be near people.'

"And how Pope Benedict XVI teaches us in his ability to listen, his closeness to people -- the people he meets, even just for a moment, during audiences, feel transfigured because they have the perception of being treated as a friend, as if you were meeting with old friends."

"This is a very beautiful thing. It is a teaching," Cardinal Bertone said. "It is also a simple but effective way to stop this exodus of our Catholic Christians."

(från Zenit)

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postat av Charlotte Thérèse @ 08:52  
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    "Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit." (okänd källa)

    "Where there is no love, put love and gather love."  Johannes av Korset

    "The soul of one who loves God, always swims in joy, always keeps holiday, and is always in the mood for singing." Johannes av Korset

    "To write is to pray."  Thomas Merton

    "In vino veritas!" (Det kan tolkas bokstavligen så - på ett djupt sätt - i eukaristin.)

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Copyright: Charlotte Thérèse, 2007

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