A Catholic Renewal

~ En radikal blogg ~

"Se, jag gör allting nytt..." (Upp 21:5)

tisdag, juli 01, 2008
Guds koreografi - från död till liv
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"God the Great Choreographer leads us in a dance of divine design, a dance of love and growth, leaping through history, our own individual histories and our collective history all mixed up and interwoven. Corpus Christi and Spiritus Christi and the Church of the whole world, dancing through history in a story God writes each day and in everyone of us, in an explosion of light and power, a story and a dance to which we can say “Yes!” -- or not.

Once the energy, the pulsing light of that dance has entered our souls -- when we say Yes to life, Yes to risk, Yes to truth -- when we dare to reach out in love and hope and touch the energy that binds the universe together and allow it to cast out our fear and heal us -- miracles happen. We grow -- the light within insists we grow -- we change, we leave our old selves behind, transformed in ways we never dreamed we could be transformed.

Human, we grieve, we cling to our old selves and our old realities, we fear -- but grace leads us on. We find that we do not need to see the steps ahead of us, as each will become clear in its time. In time we look back and see -- more than how far we have come -- we see how necessary each painful step along the way had been, see how one thread leads to another, weaving the cloth, building the foundation. We see, perhaps, how our own gifts and the gifts of others have been uncovered and developed. . . how we have stretched and grown and would never go back to our earlier, smaller selves, not even to get our old reality back.

In that awareness of the whole, it becomes very easy to forgive. Each of us is broken, each of us wounds others out of our own pain, each of us stumbles. Those wounds, that stumbling, that brokenness is part of the whole. Why hold anyone else in the wrongs they have done? Our own wrongs are a part of the picture, too.

You don’t get a garden without death and decay . . . and that’s fine and good and wonderful and wise.

The loss of the parish we had loved, lived in, celebrated and ached and wept in for twenty-two years, this catastrophe, this unthinkable destruction, was good. It was a blessing; it was our gift.

All is well. We are standing in the light."


postat av Charlotte Thérèse @ 11:45  
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Copyright: Charlotte Thérèse, 2007

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