A Catholic Renewal

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"Se, jag gör allting nytt..." (Upp 21:5)

torsdag, maj 22, 2008
Robinson strandsatt
Nej, det handlar inte om den berömda boken - utan om en australiensisk katolsk biskop som inte välkomnas överallt i USA där han skulle föreläsa.

Vad är felet? Jo, att han inte gillar katolska kyrkans sätt att försöka dölja missförhållanden så långt det är möjligt. Att han står på de utsattas sida och klart och tydligt pekar på vad som inte är bra.

Jag säger bara en sak: intet nytt under solen. Så här har helgonen och profeterna förföljts i alla tider. Man har försökt tysta den besvärande ropande rösten i öknen. Men ett sådant förfarande är dömt att misslyckas; det dyker alltid upp nya sådana röster....


Committed to Cover-Up

When Cardinal Mahony disinvited Bishop Geoffrey Robinson,
and recommended that he cancel his scheduled lecture tour,
he was echoing the sentiments of many bishops in the US
who proclaim themselves to be committed to doing all they can
to prevent clergy sexual abuse of children,
yet are trying to silence the voice of truth.

Robinson's testimony to reality
rovoked Cardinal Mahony to join the regiment of fearful hierarchy
in attacking the faith of this courageous bishop
who has served the Church all his life
and who, in that role, studied and researched clergy sexual abuse
in Australia for many years.

Like Bishop Oscar Romero did by witnessing poverty and persecution,
Robinson experienced a complete "conversion"
by witnessing the clergy sexual abuse he encountered.
The bishop's message opens the windows to the reality
of the ongoing situation in the Church structure that incubates and covers up such abuse. This message is not heard by those in authority
nor do they want it heard by the citizens of the Catholic Church.

If you are not so fortunate to have the opportunity to hear Bishop Robinson,
get and read his book.
Catholics need to know why he is being targeted as the bearer of bad news
and spokesperson for the desperate need for the changes
in the way the Catholic Church is managed.

In order to be healed, the Church must abandon the widespread practice of secrecy, unaccountability and cover-up,
all designed to maintain absolute power and control.
The pope and the bishops must be open and accountable
to the people they lead but also serve.
They must be willing to admit past mistakes.


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postat av Charlotte Thérèse @ 10:29  
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Copyright: Charlotte Thérèse, 2007

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