A Catholic Renewal

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"Se, jag gör allting nytt..." (Upp 21:5)

måndag, juni 09, 2008
Prästvigda kvinnor - problemen med Kyrkans position
Läste en kort och koncis artikel som på ett bra sätt sammanfattar de flesta av problemen med Kyrkans nuvarande officiella syn.


"Jesus did not ordain anyone, male or female, to the priesthood as it is understood today. Nor was he ordained himself. It is impossible to trace the priesthood back to the time of Christ. When Christian communities met in homes during the first and second centuries, women were prominent as leaders. See A Gospel Women's Ministry in the early church communities.

Even if hostility towards ordained women grew in the following centuries (the so-called patristic period), considerable evidence has come to light to indicate that women continued to have leadership roles in Christian communities; moreover, while Inter Insigniores claims to quote evidence from this period hostile to women's ordination, a detailed analysis of the material to which they refer by the American Catholic Biblical Association and the Catholic Biblical Association of Australia has shown that none of it refers to women's ordination. Also see A Gospel Tradition and historical perspectives.

Traditional arguments against women's ordination by people such as Thomas Aquinas were based on the belief in women's inferiority; as the Vatican now claims to accept the equality of women and men (even while proclaiming complementarity) it has shifted the argument from the superiority of maleness to the necessity for the minister to represent Christ. But it is the humanity of Christ and not his maleness which is fundamental for his redeeming actions.

Scripture scholars do not accept the Twelve (or the Apostles) as the first priests. Their role is unclear. Certainly in some texts they appear to be representative of the Twelve tribes of Israel, selected as prophetic sign of the new Israel. Hence they would have to be male to represent the twelve sons of Jacob. Only Luke equates the Twelve with the Apostles. Paul uses 'apostolos' for a much wider group. See A Gospel The Twelve."

Läs hela artikeln här för fler exempel, tror jag har tagit upp allt som nämns i tidigare blogginlägg - men det är ju bra att ha det samlat på ett ställe så här. (Kul serieteckningar som illustrationer gör inte artikeln sämre.)

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postat av Charlotte Thérèse @ 10:06  
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