A Catholic Renewal

~ En radikal blogg ~

"Se, jag gör allting nytt..." (Upp 21:5)

söndag, juni 08, 2008
Från Big Brother till katolsk dokusåpa?
Jag har aldrig sett Big Brother - men dokusåpafenomenet har inte undgått mig helt. Och steget är inte så långt som det kan tyckas mellan detta fenomen och Kyrkan.

Tyckte därför att det följande om likheten mellan serien och den tidiga kristendomen, samt fokuseringen på det (till synes) verkliga, var intressant:

"For all its screeching abuse and sexual antics under the blanket, Big Brother really represents a return to early Christianity. In the early days of the church, confession was a public affair. Rather than whisper sheepishly through a grille to a priest who was probably asleep, or engaged in some secret sinful practice himself, people used to proclaim their sins in public.

There was a period in the 1960s when this practice was briefly revived. I remember attending a trendy mass at the time, in the course of which people rose from their pews and accused themselves of various offences, most of them disappointingly vague. Then a young woman stood up and declared loudly: “I have committed adultery.”

The rest of us were still recovering from the shock when she pointed dramatically across the church and announced: “With that man over there.” She was indicating a young father with a baby on his knee, who was turning a slow purple. Then she added, “In thought,” and sat down again. It struck me later that this might have been an unusually ingenious sort of come-on.

The diary room of Big Brother is a kind of equivalent of the confessional, with Big Brother himself acting as a cross between confessor, therapist, superego and troubleshooter, but it is a confessional open to public view.


Once upon a time, people were fascinating for their actions and qualities. Macbeth, for example, or Eric Morecambe. But Shakespeare, it now appears, was wasting his time as well. What is truly irresistible is not seeing people parleying with witches or killing their king, but simply watching them being themselves. Whether those selves are elegant, meditative and subtly ironic or thick, prejudiced and pig-ignorant is beside the point.

What nobody else can replicate is the fact that I am me. I may be boorish, domineering and mildly repulsive, but the mind-warping fact that only I am me gives me a clear edge over everyone else. This, at least, can compensate for the fact that I cannot speak Slovenian or play the flute.


It is an instance of what the French philosopher Jean-François Lyotard once described as our “pornographic appetite for the real”. The bad news for the creative imagination is that nothing succeeds like good old-fashioned humdrum reality. Just by being real, reality, however dilapidated, has the edge over the most elaborately persuasive of fictions."

Läs hela artikeln här.

Varför inte göra en dokusåpa om svenskt (gärna katolskt) församlingsliv?

Det tycks vara idealiskt - av flera skäl.

Folk skulle sitta klistrade framför rutan av nyfikenhet både på det katolska (det blir en missionerande del i det hela) - och i pur förvåning över allt man kan lyckas bli oense om.

Det senare lär dra fler tittare än sekulär konstruerad osämja, törs jag lova.... ;-)

Eller varför inte en ekumenisk dokusåpa?

Stäng in några pingstvänner, ortodoxer, livets ordare, katoliker, baptister, anabaptister, frälsningssoldater, svenskkyrkliga, lutheraner, missionare, etc, i ett trångt utrymme och se vad som händer...

Om nu inte miraklet skulle inträffa att tv-kamerornas ständiga närvaro gör att kyrkfolket plötsligt reformerar sig inifrån, skärper sig, och börjar komma överens.... Och då samtidigt blir det vittnesbörd för världen som Jesus menade att vi skulle vara genom vår (synliga) enhet....

Det vore väl en riktig dunderchock!?

Kanske det mest extraordinära i tv's historia....

Etiketter: , , , ,

postat av Charlotte Thérèse @ 17:35  
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    "Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit." (okänd källa)

    "Where there is no love, put love and gather love."  Johannes av Korset

    "The soul of one who loves God, always swims in joy, always keeps holiday, and is always in the mood for singing." Johannes av Korset

    "To write is to pray."  Thomas Merton

    "In vino veritas!" (Det kan tolkas bokstavligen så - på ett djupt sätt - i eukaristin.)

    "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. I will not stand idly by when I see an unjust war taking place." Martin Luther King, Jr.

Smått och gott

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