A Catholic Renewal

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onsdag, maj 14, 2008
Prästvigning ackompanjeras av protester
En artikel berättar om händelserna kring en prästvigning nyligen i Detroit - en nunna berättar där öppet om sin känsla av prästkallelse, samtidigt som gifta präster tycker att det är dags för ändring på torpet i fråga om celibatet.

"The Archdiocese of Detroit will ordain five men to the priesthood Saturday, a sacred, joyous event for Catholics who are concerned about the dwindling number of men who hear “the call” to what is, by any estimation, a difficult life.

But outside of the Cathedral of the Most Blessed Sacrament on Woodward, a group of Catholic men and women, organized by Call to Action of Michigan, intend to demonstrate in favor of the ordination of women and married men, asserting that while they fully support the five new priests, the church must be far more inclusive.


Married men also will demonstrate Saturday for a broader approach to the sacrament of Holy Orders, in which priests are ordained. Some are former priests who have married, but still say Mass and perform baptisms at the request of Catholics. They refer to themselves as “married priests.”

“I transitioned from the priesthood to married life when I got involved in studying social work,” Arnie Messing said. “I was not going to stay in a very narrowly focused, celibate world."

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postat av Charlotte Thérèse @ 11:52  
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