A Catholic Renewal

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"Se, jag gör allting nytt..." (Upp 21:5)

tisdag, november 14, 2006
"Mirakel" på gång i Vatikanen
På torsdag kommer frågan om prästcelibat att tas upp i Vatikanen - 150 000 präster lär ha lämnat sin tjänst (sedan Andra Vatikankonciliet) - de flesta för att de gift sig.

Det verkar som att en ändring faktiskt kan vara på gång nu, så att de präster som vill gifta sig kan få dispens för det - och de präster som gift sig och inte är i tjänst kan börja verka som präster igen officiellt - för inofficiellt sker det redan sedan lång tid tillbaka.

På torsdag behandlas bara de ansökningar om detta som redan kommit in - men även det är ett litet steg vidare - som varit otänkbart tidigare.

Se artikel nedan.


Pope Benedict XVI to hold Vatican summit on married priests

The Associated PressPope Benedict XVI and top Vatican officials will hold a meeting to discuss requests for lifting the celibacy requirement made by priests seeking to marry or who have already married, the Vatican said Monday.

The summit will take place on Thursday and was called because of the recent excommunication of Archbishop Emmanuel Milingo, the Vatican said in a statement.Benedict called the meeting to examine the implications of the "disobedience" of the Zambian prelate, who was excommunicated in September for installing four married men as bishops.

Milingo had previously angered the Holy See in 2001, when he was married to a South Korean acupuncturist chosen for him by the Rev. Sun Myung Moon of the Unification Church, in a group wedding ceremony in New York. Upon appeal from Pope John Paul II a few months later, he renounced that union.Milingo disappeared from his residence outside Rome in June, resurfacing a month later in Washington, D.C., to announce he was back with his wife and was championing the cause of married priests through his new advocacy group "Married Priests Now."The Vatican said in September that Milingo and the four men he ordained as bishops were "automatically excommunicated" under church law. The Vatican added that it did not recognize the ordination of the four and would not recognize any ordinations done by those men in the future.

Milingo said the Catholic Church should embrace more than 150,000 married priests worldwide in part to ease the ongoing clergy shortage and to elevate the sanctity of marriage.

The Synod of Bishops in October 2005 rejected suggestions that the mandatory celibacy requirement for priests be dropped. But Milingo's excommunication has brought the issue back into the spotlight.

The Vatican stressed that Thursday's meeting would not open a general discussion of the celibacy requirement but would only examine the requests for dispensation made by priests wishing to marry and the requests for readmission made by clergy who had married in recent years.

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postat av Charlotte Thérèse @ 13:20  
2 Kommentar/-er:
  • 15 november, 2006 19:59 sa Anonymous Anonym

    Varifrån är artikeln hämtad? Detta är ju revolutionerande!

  • 16 november, 2006 11:25 sa Blogger Charlotte Thérèse

    Artikeln har publicerats på många håll - vilket väl inte är så konstigt med tanke på det smått revolutionerande innehållet!?

    Bl.a. finns den i International Herald Tribune:


    Ja, vi får väl se vad de kommer fram till i Vatikanen idag... Förhoppningsvis är detta ett första litet steg framåt i den frågan.

    Det skulle förbättra situationen i hela katolska kyrkan - bl.a. lindra prästbristen i områden där den börjar bli akut - inte minst i USA.


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