A Catholic Renewal

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tisdag, december 04, 2007
Kardinalen rakt på sak om det oekumeniska dokumentet
Fick denna intressanta info från The Tablet om det i somras utgivna katolska dokumentet om de protestantiska kyrkorna. (Kardinal Walter Kasper är ansvarig för ekumeniken på högsta nivå från katolskt håll.)


Kasper criticises Vatican Congregation

Cardinal Walter Kasper has joined his fellow German prelates in criticising the Vatican's Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF) for the way in which it asserted the historic primacy of the Catholic Church and claimed that Protestants did not have proper Churches. Cardinal Kasper, head of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, also urged the Church to ask if faulty pastoral work was partly behind a surge in the membership of Pentecostal groups.

Cardinal Kasper told his fellow cardinals meeting at the Vatican the day before the 24 November consistory that the CDF had "aroused perplexity and created discontent" last July (The Tablet, 14 July) by issuing a restatement of the "One True Church" position expressed in the 2000 declaration "Dominus Iesus". Although the text repeated known church policy, he said, "It would be desirable to revise the form, the language and the presentation to the public of such declarations. "

The CDF document prompted sharp criticism from Protestants in Germany and unease among Catholic bishops. Cardinal Karl Lehmann criticised it in October in a speech to the German bishops' conference, of which he is the president. Representing the Catholic Church at a Lutheran Synod in early November, Dresden-Meissen Bishop Joachim Reinelt said Germany's Lutherans had been right to question the document (The Tablet, 10 November).

Noting that Pentecostals and charismatics now numbered about 400 million around the world and were thus the second-largest group of Christians, Cardinal Kasper said the Catholic Church had to "make a pastoral examination of conscience and ask critically - why are so many Christians leaving our Church? We shouldn't begin by asking ourselves what is wrong with the Pentecostals, but what our own pastoral shortcomings are. How can we react to this new challenge with a liturgical, catechetic, pastoral and spiritual renewal?"

Läs hela artikeln här.

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postat av Charlotte Thérèse @ 13:56  
2 Kommentar/-er:
  • 07 december, 2007 15:14 sa Anonymous Anonym

    "Noting that Pentecostals and charismatics now numbered about 400 million around the world and were thus the second-largest group of Christians, Cardinal Kasper said the Catholic Church had to "make a pastoral examination of conscience and ask critically - why are so many Christians leaving our Church? We shouldn't begin by asking ourselves what is wrong with the Pentecostals, but what our own pastoral shortcomings are. How can we react to this new challenge with a liturgical, catechetic, pastoral and spiritual renewal?"

    Intressant och ödmjuk ton som inte direkt reflekterats i debatten mellan katoliker och icke katoliker på htt://aletheia.se

    Visste inte själv om att jag tillhör den näst största gruppen kristna efter rKK :-)


  • 07 december, 2007 15:37 sa Blogger Charlotte Thérèse


    Ja, ödmjukhet är vanligen en ganska sällsynt katolsk dygd, särskilt i ekumeniska sammanhang... ;-)

    Detta som kardinalen sa har också tidigare påpekats av en del andra katoliker...

    Katolska kyrkan är säkert kallad till att inspirera andra kyrkor på många sätt i sinom tid - men:

    "Ta först bort bjälken ur det egna ögat..."

    Se det som är fel inuti - och gör något åt det...

    Och även andra kyrkor kan nog må bra av lite självrannsakan de med.

    Detta sker ju nu så smått i dagens kristenhet. Vilket är positivt....

    Det som växer fram därur kan bära god frukt.

    Ja, du hör allt till den näst största frikyrkan - efter den katolska... :-)


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